Public Spaces & Gathering Places
SPOTLIGHT: Recreation Economy for Rural Communities EPA Program
The Recreation Economy for Rural Communities planning assistance program helps communities identify strategies to grow their outdoor recreation economy and revitalize their main streets.
SPOTLIGHT: City of Lethbridge Indigenous Placemaking Strategy
The City of Lethbridge’s Indigenous Placemaking Strategy was developed to imagine new opportunities for the Blackfoot and other Indigenous residents and visitors to feel more reflected, respected, connected, safe, and welcomed in their community, and to build bridges between all community members through renaming, reframing and placemaking.
SPOTLIGHT: Cheyenne River Youth Project’s RedCan Graffiti Jam
Held in the heart of the Cheyenne River Lakota Nation, RedCan Graffiti Jam strengthens connections with traditional Lakota culture, providing meaningful, lasting inspiration for youth, who discover the profound power of art in finding their own voices, exploring their identities, and expressing themselves.
SPOTLIGHT: Michigan and Patronicity’s Public Spaces Community Places
Public Spaces Community Places is a collaborative effort of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), the Michigan Municipal League, and Patronicity where local residents can use crowdfunding to be part of the development of strategic projects in their communities and be backed with a matching grant from MEDC.
SPOTLIGHT: Kansas Samper Foundation’s 8 Wonders Contest
The decision to find the 8 Wonders of Kansas was recognition of the 8 rural culture elements used since 1993 by the Kansas Sampler Foundation (KSF) to identify tourism assets of a community. KSF conducted a one-time contest for each element and published an 8 Wonders of Kansas Guidebook in 2011.
SPOTLIGHT: Sacred Places/Civic Spaces
Sacred Places/Civic Spaces is a partnership between the Community Design Collaborative and Partners for Sacred Places to re-envision underutilized, purpose-built religious properties as community hubs. The project seeks to strengthen relationships between sacred places, community organizations, and service providers with a mutual interest in co-location.
SPOTLIGHT: Design Wisconsin
Design Wisconsin is a University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension research-based community design charrette program that helps communities discover and implement a shared vision of their community.
SPOTLIGHT: LACDC’s projectY: cowork Los Alamos
Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation’s (LACDC) projectY coworking space and business incubator provides “A place to work, a place to meet, and a place to start your business.”
SPOTLIGHT: Arkos Design’s Treehouse Village Project
Arkos Design’s Greenleaf Treehouse Village provides a nature-focused atmosphere for YMCA campers at Camp Eberhart in Michigan.
Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces
The Indiana-based curriculum is designed for use by decision makers and local leaders with oversight and management of community public spaces such as parks boards and planning commission members, public officials and staff, and members of organizations whose missions are related to providing services, programs, or management of public spaces.
Community Mural Toolkit
This toolkit created by Iowa State University Extension & Outreach is a one-stop resource to learn about the benefits of creating community murals, the types of materials, sites, and spaces needed to create murals, and strategies for engaging your community.
SPOTLIGHT: Project for Public Spaces
The Project for Public Spaces (PPS) brings public spaces to life by planning and designing them with the people who use them every day. Their goal is to equip people with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to fuel lasting change.
Youth Community Mural
This activity encourages youth participants to think about how murals can be used to convey a message, help build community and be a source of pride.
A Placemaking Guidebook
A Placemaking Guidebook, created by The Land Policy Institute, in collaboration with the MIplaceTM Partnership Initiative seeks to assist neighborhoods and communities with quickly reshaping their thinking and acting on how effective placemaking can greatly enhance community and economic development.
Universal Playground
Youth participants will create a design for a new playground space that incorporates universal design principles.
“Yarn Bomb”: Community Fiber Toolkit
This guide offers an introduction to the nuts and bolts of community yarn bombing and provides suggestions for strengthening your community’s goodwill in the process.
The Creative Community Builder’s Handbook
The Creative Community Builder's Handbook · How to Transform Communities Using Local Assets, Arts, and Culture gives you successful strategies, best practices, and "how-to" guidance to turn cultural gems into effective community change.
Tactical Urbanism in Rural Utah
Price, Utah utilizes tactical urbanism to take back the streets of their rural town by coming together and spurring enthusiasm in their community.
SPOTLIGHT: Heart of the Community project 5 to 10 on Hennepin
Hennepin Theatre Trust (HTT) was awarded a Southwest Airlines Heart of the Community grant to explore the intersection of public space, social justice, and local creativity as it works to activate the historic Hennepin Theatre District with live music, artists’ markets, and food.
Technical Assistance Provider Directory
Your community will need help creating the perfect creative public space. Reach out to a regional provider to help make your space come alive.
Financial Assistance Directory
A financial assistance entity can provide the resources and capital needed to elevate your project dreams to reality. Find one near you today.
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