Cross-Sector Partnerships
SPOTLIGHT: Accelerating Appalachia
Accelerating Appalachia grows the regenerative economy for a resilient Appalachia and Rural Southeast by providing training and support for nature-based businesses. In 2013, they developed the world’s first accelerator program focused on regenerative agriculture. 10 years later, accelerator graduates have collectively leveraged over $20.2 million in investments.
SPOTLIGHT: “7 Ways to Design Housing that Builds Equity for Rural People and Places” Report
Delta Design Build Workshop partnering with Hope Enterprise Corporation responded to challenges one Mississippi neighborhood has faced as a result of predatory development practices and structural, at times racially discriminatory, disinvestment.
SPOTLIGHT: AIC’s Alliance for Response Initiative, Toolkit and Forums
Launched in 2003, the Alliance for Response helps connect and build strategic partnerships between emergency managers and cultural institutions, identify allies to develop local assistance networks, engage networks, and find support to sustain local disaster networks.
SPOTLIGHT: ARPC’s Cycle the Arts
Apalachee Regional Planning Council’s Cycle the Arts partners with RideOn, COCA and LovetoRide Florida Challenge to create a new cycling experience in Tallahassee, Florida.
SPOTLIGHT: MHDC’s Self-Help Housing Program
Milford Housing Development Corporation (MHDC) makes the dream of becoming a homeowner a reality through sweat equity and financing options.
SPOTLIGHT: NJIT’s Creative Placemaking Land Usage Workshop
New Jersey Institute of Technology’s (NJIT) Hub offers a full-day workshop that focuses on utilizing the Creative Placemaking process for planning for land usage.
SPOTLIGHT: Oregon's Sustainable Coastal Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Program
Oregon's Sustainable Coastal Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Program works with communities and companies to help them utilize a triple bottom line operational framework to help them, and their communities succeed.
SPOTLIGHT: SEDCOR’s Latino Microenterprise Development Program
The Latino Microenterprise Development Program in Oregon’s Willamette Valley helps participants master the knowledge and skills necessary to establish, grow, and sustain a business for long-term success, profitability, and self-sufficiency.
SPOTLIGHT: NeighborWorks Sacramento’s NeighborsCare Program
NeighborWorks Sacramento launched an initiative to work alongside local organizations and business to provide direct resources and support to underrepresented communities as a collaborative effort.
Downtown Bracket Challenge
The Downtown Bracket Challenge delivers a process to support shared community visions implemented in the short term as a tangible outcome, but with the potential to help communities visualize permanent installations as part of a longer-term effort and vision.
Growing Community Gardens
Community gardens promote fresh food access, improved mental health, healthy dietary habits and community building. In addition to connecting outdoor, food and health sectors, they can also be creative spaces for people to gather and share ideas.
Stories of Community Food Work in Appalachia
The Appalachian Foodshed Project uses oral histories and digital spaces to foster community foodway growth through storytelling and learning.
Sidewalk Subway
Inspired by subway and metro maps from cities across the world, this project interprets the walking tour routes into subway lines with color coded markings on the downtown sidewalks, including ‘stops’ at destinations, connecting both local residents and tourists with local businesses.
Redevelopment for Affordable Housing
Hazard, Kentucky’s Housing Development Alliance partnered with city government to creatively repurpose unused and frequently vandalized property into affordable housing with a creative twist.
Healthcare and Rural Placemaking
Creating rural communities where people want to live, work and play is vitally important to a community’s health.
Building Community Through Broadband
Rural communities are growing connected and more livable thanks to private and government-led broadband efforts to increase infrastructure.
Philanthropy and Rural Innovation
Partnerships between rural communities and philanthropic entities are fundamental to kickstarting innovation and achieving long-term improvements across sectors in underserved rural areas.
SPOTLIGHT: Rural Voices Magazine
Each issue of HAC’s Rural Voices magazine focuses on a single topic important to rural communities, with subjects ranging from housing for older rural residents to the future of housing finance to citizen-led design.
SPOTLIGHT: Somerset Grist Mill and Maine Grains
Two Skowhegan, Maine residents partnered to turn a county jail into a gristmill that boosts the grain economy and transformed a deteriorated property.
SPOTLIGHT: The Women’s Rural Entrepreneurial Network
Powered by rural women, WREN is committed to the mission of supporting better lives and livelihoods through education, economic development and community engagement in the North Country of New Hampshire.
SPOTLIGHT: Up Home with Ouita Michel
Chef Ouita worked with acclaimed Kentucky filmmaker Harrison Witt to highlight the connections between food and family through stories. It’s a love letter to restaurants, farmers, chefs, artists and others that contribute to and enjoy Kentucky’s rich culinary tradition.
SPOTLIGHT: Waymakers Collective
Waymakers Collective strives to sustain creative practice, land, livelihoods, and dialogue across neighborhoods and disciplines. They envision an Appalachia that supports the joy, imagination, and hopes of our artists, activists, and culture bearers.
Technical Assistance Provider Directory
A technical assistance provider in your area can help you locate and bring together the people you need at your table to make your project happen. Identify one in your region today.
Financial Assistance Directory
Resources for your community project may be available from cross-sector partners that have vested interest in seeing your place grow and become more livable, diverse and sustainable.
Share Your Project, Resource or Spotlight
Sharing project successes can help develop future cross-sector partnerships by increasing the span of your placemaking network to attract new institutions and ideas.