Found Poetry

Found Poetry allows us to “flip-the-script” on narratives that only tell a negative or one-sided view of an issue.

Are there negative narratives that circulate in your community that seem to hold you back from cultivating a growing identity? Using the found poetry tool during community conversations, you can change the narrative and create a powerfully symbolic and empowering identity. The process of searching for the right words to express ourselves in creative writing helps develop problem-solving and communication skills. Found Poetry is created by changing text written by someone else and giving it a new, and often opposite, meaning. Working this activity into community conversations allows a positive, meaningful story to emerge from the negative source material.

  • Timeframe to complete project: Less than 2 Hours

  • Cost range: Free to download

  • Key Words: Authentic, Embedded Stories, Community Pride, Sense of Place, Interactive Elements, Initiating Place, Beginner, Creative Community Conversations, Art, Fun

  • This project was created by University of Kentucky Community Arts Extension. Click on the link below to access the resource.


Story Circles


Paint Your State