SPOTLIGHT: Higher Ground Community Theater

Higher Ground uses oral histories, music, visual art and community conversations as the inspiration for dialogue, created and shared by local actors from diverse walks of life, about specific issues in Harlan County, Kentucky.

Higher Ground productions have highlighted regional issues such as rising floodwaters, opioid addiction and needle exchanges, coal mining accidents and labor strikes, hoarding, environmental impacts of strip mining, family loss, economic struggles, internet trolling, the region’s African-American history, Black Lives Matter and COVID-19. The community plays serve as a way for this rural community to process its hardships and joys by sharing unique perspectives with an ultimate goal of increased understanding and community-building.

Timeframe to Complete Project: Weeks to Months; Months to Years

Cost Range: cost varies, $500-$2000

Key Words: Intermediate, Community, Performing Art, Initiating Place, Creative Community Conversations, Storytelling, Oral Histories, Sense of Place, Public Spaces,

Higher Ground is a project of the Appalachian Program at Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College. Click on the button below to learn more.


SPOTLIGHT: Urality’s Story Maps


SPOTLIGHT: The What’s Good Project